Smiley's Smiles

Here's the smiley's that l like to use when I email friend or chat on the net.

:-) <smile>
:-( <frown>
:-D <laugh>
:-* <kiss. pucker up>
;-) <winking>
:-X <my lips are sealed>
:-& <tongue tied>
:*-( <crying>
:-O <surprise or terrified>
O:-) <innocent>
:-l <bored>
:-] <happy>
:-} <burping>
:-> <sarcastic>
:-`) <tongue in cheek>
:-)~ <drooling> (one of my favorites)
:-II <snickering>
:-[ <depressed>
:-/ <stumped>
:-i <smoking>
:-o <another surprised smiley>
:-() <shouting>
:-{ <smiley with a moustache>
:-8 <just ate a pickle. OOO! Sour!>
}:-( <bullheaded>
:-# <wearing braces>
:-@ <swearing>
~:-) <baby smiley>

:-Þ <sticking out tongue>**

**Note: For this smiley's mouth hold down the "Alt" key while pressing on your right hand side of your keyboard "0222" Let go and there u have it!

* Note: You can also use a lowercased o for a nose.
